Winter Run

“5km from home and we’re lost in the hills”



7:45am - My flat mate Gregor and I are dressed, out the door and headed for the hills…

It’s definitely a special feeling when within 5km from your door you can be greeted with views like this.


It takes us a couple of km’s to get out of town and then immediately start gaining elevation.

It’s around -7°C as we run and my bare hands gripping my camera is almost unbearable but we crack on. Racing the sun to the glistening peak in the horizon.


The path in the snow narrows and steepens violently as Gregor and I push on up the final ridge to reach the highest point.


9:41am - After the short and intense ascent, we reach the peak and are greeted with incredible scenes.

Looking for miles down the Tweed Valley with pink, pastel skies and crisp snow, it’s too good to be true!

What goes up must come down, right?

With the sun rising in one direction and the moon still hanging in the sky in the other, it was truly perfect conditions to shoot in!


10:33am - The view from the top of the final descent back to Peebles.

Morning well spent if you ask me…

Thanks for scrolling.

You can follow Gregor HERE and myself via the links below…


Ryan Middleton Interview